Thursday, July 15, 2021

So tired!

 Woke up 2 hours earlier than usual today for a meeting. 

It went well.

Came home right after to start my work for the day at my office in the basement. Truthfully, my mind was willing but the body felt so tired. The couch in the family room was calling me, but I still dragged myself to water our garden.

After that, I laid down, and tried to listen to a podcast. Although I still wanted to go to work, but I just didn't have the energy for that.

True enough, I wasn't able to do anything at work today. 

I probably slept most of the day.

I hated it.

Tomorrow, even if it hasn't come, I am claiming that I'd get my energy back.


Twilight Man said...

The weather must be making you sleepy and tired. Take more supplements!

suituapui said...

Rest well! Never force yourself. Over-exhaustion can lead to all kinds of problems and our bodies may not be strong enough to fight infection. Take care there!

yccos said...

Otsukaresamadesu! Yukkusi yasunde kudasai. (You must be tired. Please take a rest.) In Japan, they would usually say that in acknowledgment of one's hard work. Also, there is Natsubate, (summer fatigue), maybe that is what you are experiencing atm? HAHAHA. I usually get that feeling a few times during the summer season. Sometimes, we really just need to take a slow down and do nothing and be bored.

SGRMSE. said...

it's funny how as a child, i used to see sleep as a total waste of time. now, as an adult, i can never get enough of it. i hope you're getting all the rest you require, though. stay hydrated!

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