Wednesday, March 27, 2024



Yesterday, Jay was seen trying on the extremely rare 1960s Wrangler denim jacket that was just sold. 

Last year, I told him that he should keep it as soon as we discovered this item was a BOLO (be on the lookout). I pictured him riding his 1974 Honda CB550 Cafe Racer motorsiklo while donning it. 

However, Jay turned it down since he prefers leather jackets; a canvas coated in wax comes in second. 

I also offered it to Yna's tratu, Larry, but he turned it down as well. He claimed to already own a jean jacket. 

Jay asked me for the jacket as soon as he got home from work yesterday after I texted him and shared the screenshot of our sold item. 

He put it on. 

He examined himself in the family room and in the living room mirrors. 

Did he suddenly realize how much of a mistake it was to turn down this vintage piece? 

I'm not entirely sure. 

Perhaps. 😁

I feel seen.


I am extremely grateful and happy that a customer from across the world would find my little vintage boutique online and buy a piece or two from it. 

This 90s Van Heusen floral printed linen blend high-waisted shorts is going to Osakasayama, Japan tomorrow. 

I feel seen from across the globe.



I am in bed because I am feeling tired and a little lethargic today. 

I just got my monthly allergy shots a couple of hours ago. 

But my energy perked up when I heard a sale notification from my vintage online boutique on Etsy.

OMG! I sold something. Expensive!

A 1960s Wrangler dark wash jean jacket. That same exact style that Brad Pitt wore in the Quentin Tarantino movie called "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood" (2019). 

I priced this piece at $764. This is probably the best in terms of condition in all of the secondhand markets online. 

My shop is having a 30% off storewide sale until Friday. 

The customer paid $534.80.