Friday, October 16, 2020

We're Moving?

 I was fuming mad at the mister. It's final that we're moving to North Carolina on Sunday.



Why the urgency? Are we running away from someone?

Are we in the witness protection program that I am not given time to even say goodbye to my friends?

North Carolina?!

I don't have friends there. 

In this town, I know several sales clerks that I call friends at the thrift stores in 3 different locations-- in Willowdale, Buckeystown, and in Middletown. 

I also love the local independent businesses in town. 

Our house has the biggest lot in our hood, which is perfect for my greenhouse and several garden plots that the mister built.

Plus, my kids' friends from elementary and high school are all from here. On Thanksgiving and Christmas breaks, these kids hold their reunions at our house over Filipino dinner that I plan and prepare. 

My heart was so heavy while packing all of my money pile in the basement (read: my vintage items for sale). I couldn't grasp the thought of living somewhere other than this town---Frederick.

I hated the mister so much. He didn't even let me weigh things out with him.

I felt betrayed. This hurts a lot.

I can't believe he had the audacity to just pull us out of this house that we call home since 2002. 

Then, I suddenly woke up at the loud creak of our bedroom door. He came rushing in and said...

"Let's go! It's Thursday. It's dollar day at the thrift store!"

I sat up, and breathed a sigh of relief. The time on my watch was 11:15 AM.



crybaby said...

i knew it was just a dream

Overthinker Palaboy said...

We moved house 13 times when I was younger. It was difficult for me because I never had the chance to build good relationship with people in the neighbourhood. Buti panaginip lang.

Twilight Man said...

LOLOL. What a crazy woman. Lili had too much wine last night.

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