Wednesday, August 11, 2021

How dumb!

A higher percentage of children of my friends, relatives and acquaintances living all of their lives in the Philippines are better English speakers than speaking in any Filipino language.

That is very sad, in my opinion. 

Parents, especially the mothers, blame it on Pepa Pig and other foreign kiddie shows. 

So, does that mean that their kids spend more time on gadgets and TV?

Does this mean that parents or any members of the household communicate less with the children, or do family members talk to kids primarily in the English language? Is it more encouraged?

That's sad.

Some of them find it funny that their children don't know the English translation of simple words like li-og (neck), dila (tongue), or tuhod (knee).

Come on! 

I would be ashamed if I am the parent of these kids. I wouldn't post this online, and find it funny and cute.

You live all of your life in the country, surrounded by locals and yet you don't speak and understand the language?

Why opt children out from speaking the local language? 

How dumb is that!

Language is really beautiful. Children who are bilingual and multilingual are smarter. 

It is not a secret that I speak, and write notes and text messages to my children in Bisaya. It's just the mister and I that they are incessantly exposed to the language, and even if their world has this significant proportion of English speakers, they continuously use our Filipino language when they speak to us or to anyone they know that understands it.

By the way, I don't post my kids' school achievements on any of my social media accounts. 

I am most proud that they are bilingual, and in fact I brag about this because they have been living in America all their lives. My daughter came here when she was 2. My son was born here. 

I remember when I still lived in the Philippines, the idea of English fluency (meaning: constantly spoken) correlates to belonging to a high financial footing in the society. 

READ: a rich kid!

So, even if some people I know that aren't in that high financial bracket, they encourage their children to speak the English language to show a pretentious affluence.

Now, that's dumber!


Julienne said...

This is sadly true. Dili lang English te, daghan pod parents karon (diri sa Davao) na ginaprefer mag Tagalog ilang anak kaysa mag-Bisaya.

SGRMSE. said...

i am so drawn to multilingual people. i think it's such a gift. polyglots rule the world, i always say. and kids spending more time on electronics than with people really is sad. it's so prevalent nowadays that i sometimes wonder why people re-produce. sorry if this is reading somewhat judgy but i guess it's me that fails to understand why people would even want kids when they don't actually enjoy raising them.

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