Friday, June 11, 2021

I miss it.

I miss writing. 

I have been busy with work, and now that it's almost summer, add gardening to that.

I have been growing new varieties of vegetables this year. I have red malabar spinach (also known as alugbati in Filipino), tatsoi, green yard long beans, golden zucchini, silver queen corn, Puerto Rican pumpkin, Stokes purple sweet potato, tomberry tomatoes, white tomesol tomatoes, dark opal basil, cantaloupe and many more. 

I also have several varieties of sunflowers, and pansies. 

My love-in-a-puff vines or balloon vines (also known as utot-utot) are rapidly growing. They love this warm weather. This climbing plant produces papery balloon fruits with seeds inside. Each black seed have a distinct white heart. It's considered an invasive weed in the Philippines, but that wouldn't be the case in my part of the world, because this plant is extra sensitive to cold. 

Just this morning, I found two caterpillars hanging out at my carrot patch. These carrots, by the way, aren't good for eating anymore. They have all bolted, and produced Victorian-lace looking flowers. They were the left-over plants I planted last year that I wasn't able to harvest before autumn. Now, I am just waiting for these flowers to dry so I can gather seeds to share for future planting. 

We also added seating in our garden. We bought an old cast iron 3-piece bistro set at an antique shop in Leesburg, Virginia. I've been serving afternoon snacks there. 

And aside from writing, I guess I also miss sewing. 


yccos said...

I wish when we think, it will be written up straight into words and then we will just edit it later for posting. LOL.

You have a lovely home and wonderful cats! <3

The simple and mundane things that we get to do in life... *sigh* ... I don't know why, but recently, I would just stop and say, "Thank you universe for allowing me to have these, do this, or feel this." and yes, I wish I can write more about it.

suituapui said...

Hello! Thanks for dropping by my blog and for commenting. Do hop over again - I've an update every day.

I love your garden. You sure have green fingers, lovely vegetables. So nice in your temperate zone to have breakfast outdoors in the morning - the beautiful weather, pleasant sunshine. It's too hot and humid to do that here.

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