Saturday, June 19, 2021

8:45 AM

 I hear someone opened our bedroom door, slowly and gently. Then I felt a couple of soft taps on my arms.

I saw the boy when I opened my eyes. He looked freshly bathed and wearing a shirt different from what he was wearing last night. 

He was wearing the freshly laundered shirt I handed him the previous night. He has been looking for that for months, and I finally found it hidden in between comforters.

Like I always tease him after he bathes, he smells like fresh laundry. 

Softly, he said, "Ma, I am going on a bike ride downtown." 

It seemed like it was still dark outside, but when I look over at the digital alarm clock on the mister's side table, it was 8:45 AM.

I honestly thought it's Saturday because it felt like it was still very early in the morning. The sun hasn't completely come out yet, and I felt like I wanted to sleep in. 

"Don't wear headphones. Ok?!" I told him. This is just so he could hear his surroundings. 

He gave me a hug, and left our room.

I guess I dozed off, and woke up before 11. 

P.S. I call him "The boy" in this blog because I started blogging back when he was almost 4. Although he is an adult now, I still prefer to call him "The boy" here. 


Twilight Man said...

Enjoy and treasure all the sweet and loving moments with your Boy!! My late mother looked at me as her baby until her final days. She told me nothing could change.

Rose world said...

Sweet boy your have there. Kids will always be kids in our heart no matter how old they are.

SGRMSE. said...

i love the smell of fresh laundry.

thank you for stopping by my little corner of the interweb, by the way. also, i love how you were able to get the reference for the look and feel of it. i had wanted it to be very journal/scrapbook-ish. reading your comment made me smile.

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