Thursday, October 22, 2020


 I hate when people makes fun of people with disability. I hate it when some people called names. 

I even hated some friends and relatives when they call the previous Philippine President Benigno Aquino. Jr. as 'Abnoy' (Abnormal). How low would you go! Most of these people go to church regularly. Calling a person names is for me very mean, 'unChristian', so juvenile, and unintelligent. 

There is this one person who has been sending me messages and sharing posts via Facebook messenger about how great the person in the White House is. I knew him through the mister. 

I disagree with him, but I didn't argue with him. I thought it was a waste of time.

In my 48 years of existence, I have learned to never argue with his kind.

He kept on shoving his opinion down my throat, but I kept ignoring him.

I haven't been replying to his messages anymore from the time I told him that I have different views politically. I also told him to stop sending me posts about his choice of political party. I am not into Political Parties. It's either you choose GOOD or EVIL, and to some, who's the lesser evil vs the devil.

I respect his level of intelligence, and in many levels I am not impressed. I tried to give considerations though, but he just didn't leave a mark.

A few minutes ago, he sent me a message again, and he was laughing about Former VP Joe Biden's stutter. I think he was watching the debate.

This time, I answered him back.

"You can not make fun of people and their disability. Thank God I am not like you, or else I would have been making fun of your disability the moment I knew how dark your heart is."

"What disability?!" He was very surprised!

"Your face! It matches your heart! It's just exceptional!

It's exceptionally ugly! Now, let me tell you this... I did not make fun of you. I was just being honest. Bye."


 He didn't unfriend me yet, or block me on Facebook. I just couldn't imagine calling him a friend. To  be considerate, maybe just someone I know.


Twilight Man said...

This world today is full of retarded morons and bigots. They multiply like maggots & flies. Just swat them away from your life.

Hi! I am LiLi! said...

So many of these adults are in dire need of good parenting.

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